
Episode #020 – Upland Hunting with Edgar Castillo

Edgar Castillo is an experienced, passionate upland bird hunter specializing in public land upland hunting.   Subjects discussed include firearms for upland hunting, essential upland gear, philosophical differences between upland hunters and waterfowl hunters, public...

Arrow Tuning For Beginners

What does one do after purchasing a brand new bow? Buy some arrows of course!  But which arrows do you buy? If you’ve gone to a proper archery shop to get set up, you...

Turkey Hunting

Finally, a Bird

It was down to the wire when Alex (better known as Sasha) took pity on me.   On the last night of our three-day turkey camp, word had finally reached Sasha that I had...

Yellow Perch Fish Tacos

This is a recipe inspired by Mike Fitzgerald of the omnivoreculture blog, who suggested making fish tacos when he appeared on our recent podcast.  The yellow perch that went into this recipe also came...

Beginner Ice Fishing

Ice Fishing is one of those things that I’ve always been meaning to try.  Winter can be a tough season, especially in a city, but I’ve always believed that seasonal complainers would be happier...